Thursday, May 29, 2014



Common Name: Gull

Description: Shape and size- Ranges from sizes small to large, 11 inches to 27 inches. They are between 15-30cm in height.
Skeleton - Endoskeleton
Symmetry - Bilateral
Features - Typically have larger gulls, long pink legs and medium or small Seagulls have black or red legs. Their necks are slender and their heads are rounded.


Kingdom: Animalia 
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Charadriformes
Family: Laridae
Genus: Larus
Species: Larus occidentalis

Ecology: Relationships to other organisms- Seagulls have a predator-prey relationship with crabs. 
Special Features- Seagulls have a unique pair of glands above their eyes that allow them to drink freshwater and saltwater. Most animals are not able to do this. Seagulls are also very clever because they can learn, remember and even pass on behaviors. For example, they stamp their feet to imitate rainfall to trick earthworms to come to the surface.

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