Thursday, May 29, 2014




Common Name: Mussel


Description: size - They can get up to 40 mm in 12-15 months.

Skeleton - Exoskeleton

Symmetry - Bilateral Symmetry

Features - Mussels move around by using a foot. A foot is a large organ that pulls them around the ocean floor. Also, they feed by filtering seawater.


Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Mollusca
Class: Bivalvia
Order: Mytiloida
Family: Mytilidae
Genus: Mytilus
Species: Californianus

Ecology: Relationship to other organisms - They feed off of plankton and other tiny sea animals. They are fed on by Crabs, Otters, Muskrats, Raccoons, and Skunks.
Interesting Features - They live in large clumps, called "beds" which can stretch for a mile or more. Their shells have been found at ancient sites being used as tools and for jewellery.

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