Thursday, May 29, 2014

Dungeness Crab

Dungeness Crab

Common Names: Crab and Magister

Description: Shape and size - Typically grows up to 20cm in. They have a wide, long and hard shell.  
Skeleton - Exoskeleton
Symmetry - Bilateral
Features -  These crabs have 5 pairs of legs. They also use small appendages to pass the food particles into its mouth. The digestive system of this crab is called a "gastric mill", which is a collection of tooth-like structures.

Kingdom: Animalia 
Phylum: Athropoda
Class: Malacostraca
Order: Decapoda 
Family: Cancridae
Genus: Metacarcinus
Species: M.Magister

Ecology: Relationship to other organisms- Dungeness Crabs and eel grass's relationship would be predator-prey.
Special Features- These crabs have a flap near their abdomen which allows them to protect their eggs by carrying them in the flap. These crabs have a strong nurturing instinct.  

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