Thursday, May 29, 2014




Common Name: Acorn Barnacle

Description: Shape and size - Gets up tp 8 millimeters in diameter, and the shell is brown - grey colour
Skeleton - Exoskeleton
Symmetry - Asymmetrical
Features - They have pink, claw - like feet called "cirri" come out of the barnacles when feeding. Barnacles range from Alaska to Mexico.


Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Maxillopoda
Order: Sessilia
Family: Balanidae
Genus: Balanus
Species: Nubilus

Ecology: Relationship to other organisms - They attach themselves to other marine life, and rocks. Also, they feed on small floating organisms.
Interesting Features - The male and female barnacles have both sex organs, and they breathe through their feet!

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